**Credits** ---- **Thanks go to:** * **id Software** * **Valve LLC** * **XaeroX** - for hosting, technical advice and moral support * **Crazy Russian** - for HL-style menu button code and animation * **adamix** - for menu scrollbar code * **HAWK**, **ERIK-13** - for the first translation of features.txt into English * **n00b** - for the implementation of detail textures * **nemyax** - for the updated documentation ---- **Beta testers:** **Qwertyus**\\ **The FiEctro**\\ **Crazy Russian**\\ **HAWK**\\ **qpAHToMAS**\\ **LokiMB**\\ **Msteam**\\ **(_-=ZhekA=-_)**\\ ---- **Xash3D uses some parts of:** *Quake by id Software * Quake 2 by id Software * Quake 3 by id Software * Half-Life by Valve Software * Darkplaces by the Darkplaces team * Quake 2 Evolved by Team Blur * AVIKit by randomnine