**Other Limits** The following limits are locked at fixed values in the engine and can’t be changed in the client: ^ Limit ^ Xash3D ^ GoldSource ^ | MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET (entities) | 512 | 256 | |MAX_MODELS (unique models including sprites and bmodels)| 2048 |N/A | |MAX_SOUNDS |2048| N/A | |MAX_SENTENCES| 2048| 1534 | |MAX_USER_MESSAGES |191 |128 (WON GoldSource)| |MAX_TEXTURES |4096 (of which 2048 can be used by VGUI)| N/A | |MAX_MESSAGES (number of messages in //titles.txt//)| 2048 |1024 | |Maximum size of indexed texture |1024x1024 |512x512 | |Maximum size of TrueColor texture| 4096x4096 |N/A |